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In 1987 the Lord opened the door for Bishop Elizabeth Arowolo and her husband Professor O. O. Arowolo to start Christ's Love Ministries International in Badagry, Nigeria with many branches. The Lord laid a strong burden on their hearts to preach the gospel with great signs and wonders, as well as to be engaged in church planting all over the world. The back bone of the mission is supplication, intercession and spiritual warfare, for the body of Christ and for all nations.


In the year 1993, Christ's Love Ministries International was started in  Namibia. The missionary work in Namibia started in Windhoek, the capital city of the nation, and has since spread to several regions in the country as well as to Angola and Zimbabwe. Currently there are several churches of Christ’s Love Ministries International in Namibia as well as several online members all over the globe. To God be all the glory, AMEN

Meet the Team

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